LEAPS: Empowering Rwandan Girls to Speak Up about Reproductive Health
A program developed and implemented at MindLeaps-Rwanda, a youth center dedicated to serving vulnerable youth, to teach them about their bodies, their relationships, and their selves.
Teaching Refugee Women about their Reproductive Rights
A project developed while working in Indianapolis as a refugee case worker at Exodus Refugee to connect refugee women to contraception and family planning services.
Promoting Education and Social Media Messaging in Rwanda
A communications job with Health Development Initiative, a Rwandan nonprofit striving to improve quality and accessibility of healthcare for all Rwandans through advocacy, education and training.
Tentacles vs. Testicles: Teaching OWL Sex Ed to K-12 Students
An ongoing side job teaching Our Whole Lives comprehensive sexuality curriculum to youth.
Building Staff Capacity & Delivering Contraceptives to Your Door
A job working with staff at Kasha, a Rwandan company using phones and motorcycles to deliver contraceptives and feminine hygiene products directly to your door.
Pimples, Puberty, & Popularity: Teaching Sex Ed in Middle School
A job teaching health education at a tuition-free Catholic middle school for low-income students.
Preventing Teen Pregnancies in the Dominican Republic
A consultancy with Rubens Shoes to launch the “BodyTalk” reproductive health program for youth in grades 4 and 5.
Two lines or one? Counseling Pregnant Women on their Options
A volunteer job at Planned Parenthood conducting pregnancy tests to walk-in patients and counseling them on their options.
Making Proud Choices: HIV Prevention Classes in North Carolina Public Schools
A job facilitating an evidence-based sexuality education curriculum called Making Proud Choices! through the Compass Center, a North Carolina nonprofit serving survivors of domestic violence.
Educating the Whole Child: Sex Ed Montessori Style
Multiple contracts with Montessori schools to integrate the Our Whole Lives (OWL) sex ed program into the whole child Montessori approach.
Childbirth Education for All
A certification to teach evidence-based childbirth, pregnancy, and early parenting information from one of the world’s leading childbirth education and advocacy organizations.