
Exodus Refugee is a refugee resettlement agency in Indianapolis that has been welcoming refugees since 1981. Exodus works hard to connect their clients to basic services, including housing, food assistance, medical services, and employment. The majority of their clients come from Burma, Democratic Republic of Congo, or Syria, but they also serve refugees from Iraq, Eritrea, Somalia, Bhutan, China, Afghanistan, Cuba, and other nations.

In 2016 as Exodus’s Lead Case Manager, I developed a women’s health program to connect refugee women to invaluable family planning services and provide information about women’s health topics like nutrition, common medical exams for women, female anatomy, and birth control options. We trained over 60 women, with workshops for Syrian, Congolese, and Burmese clients.

Read more about the amazing work Exodus does on their website.

Download the women’s health training workshop from my Resources page.