We Can't Forget

We Can't Forget

My partner and I lived in Rwanda awhile back, and there is one story that sticks in my mind above all others. A friend I got to know in Rwanda worked with an organization called Hope for Life, which provides housing and rehabilitation to children and youth living on the streets of Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. She told me the story of a 10- or 11-year-old boy who came to their center one day seeking help. He eventually shared with the center staff that he had been living on the streets for awhile with his younger brother after their parents had died. He and his brother struggled to find food and often had to steal food to get by. But there was a period of time when even stealing food wasn’t working, and every night the boys went to bed hungry. The boy at the center described the heartbreaking moment when he held his younger brother in his arms as he died from starvation. Traumatized, grieving, and starving himself, the boy eventually stumbled across the center, where he was given a place to stay and food.

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“Let Me Try That:” What Ordering a Beer May Say About Your Sex Life–and How You Embrace Your Gender

“Let Me Try That:” What Ordering a Beer May Say About Your Sex Life–and How You Embrace Your Gender

I got the idea to write this post from a friend who bartends. Alex is the nicest man you’ll ever meet and has a face everyone thinks they recognize, although he mostly just looks like Jesus. He has been in the service industry for many years and has had a first hand look at how people communicate their needs and wants in some of the most well-traveled places: bars and coffee shops.

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“Hey Guys!” Why we say it and why it’d be nice if we didn’t

“Hey Guys!” Why we say it and why it’d be nice if we didn’t

“Hey guys! Wanna grab some pizza?”

“You’re doing great, guys!”

“I love you guys!”

The amount of times we use “guys” on the daily to refer to a group we’re with is pretty much innumerable. We use the term “guys” for all types of groups: groups of males only, groups with mixed genders, groups of all women…. And we use it everywhere: in our speech, our writing, our media.

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I’m Disabled: Coming In and Coming Out

I’m Disabled: Coming In and Coming Out

When I hear the word “disabled,” my mind immediately conjures folks in wheelchairs, individuals with conditions like cerebral palsy or autism, and older folks with mobility limitations—in other words, only extremes. (Just to be clear, these are all disabilities, and these folks are wonderful and beautiful.)

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Porn: What am I seeing??

Porn: What am I seeing??

I’ve been writing posts for our youth empowerment blog with my job at the Compass Center. I wanted to share them here as well. Porn is pretty accessible today for young people and adults alike. However, porn has been made for entertainment, not for education. Check out this post for tips on understanding the dynamics within porn.

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Asthma, Yeast Infections, & STIs: Let’s think about Sexually Transmitted Infections in a new way

Asthma, Yeast Infections, & STIs: Let’s think about Sexually Transmitted Infections in a new way

I’ve been writing posts for our youth empowerment blog with my job at the Compass Center. I wanted to share them here as well. In this post, I explore just how prevalent STIs are and how we need to totally rework how we think about STIs to effectively treat and prevent them.

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Feel Alone? Have a Sensitive Question? Check out the Real Talk App, a Safe Space for Teen Stories

Feel Alone? Have a Sensitive Question? Check out the Real Talk App, a Safe Space for Teen Stories

I’ve been writing posts for our youth empowerment blog with my job at the Compass Center. I wanted to share them here as well. In this post, I interviewed the cofounder of the Real Talk app, an app for teens to share stories about puberty, relationships, and bullying.

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I’ve Got a Penis But I’m Not a Boy…. Sex and Gender Explained

I’ve Got a Penis But I’m Not a Boy…. Sex and Gender Explained

I’ve been writing posts for our youth empowerment blog with my job at the Compass Center. I wanted to share them here as well. This post explores the difference between sex and gender—super important for understanding our transgender friends and how many folks are fluidly defining their identities.

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Four Healthy Relationship Tips from Non-monogamists

Four Healthy Relationship Tips from Non-monogamists

This summer, as part of my Master’s of Education in Human Sexuality, I’m taking a grad school class on non-monogamy, and it got me thinking about healthy relationships. I teach about healthy relationships to young people all the time and never thought about the really important lessons that non-monogamy can offer about open communication, love, feelings, and trust. In this post, I want to explore non-monogamy a bit with you and share some lessons that can be helpful for all of us who strive for healthy, happy relationships.

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Preventing Teen Pregnancy in the Dominican Republic

Preventing Teen Pregnancy in the Dominican Republic

In Feburary 2019, I went to the Dominican Republic with Canadian charity Rubens Shoes to launch my sexual and reproductive health program “BodyTalk”. I had a blast working with the amazing teachers of Centro Educativo Toribio and watching the kids giggle while they learn about their bodies. Read my trip report below, with lots of pictures!

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Honoring Survivors: Reframing the Post-Kavanaugh Conversation

Honoring Survivors: Reframing the Post-Kavanaugh Conversation

CW: sexual assault

In the wake of Dr. Ford’s testimony and the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the US Supreme Court, a lot of women are still reeling. Shock, hurt, and anger over the decision have impacted many of the women in my life and I’m sure in yours, too. It’s difficult to feel that this decision is anything but a blatant hit to women everywhere, and it makes sense that we, as women, feel a certain sense of shared anger and frustration.

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