
Kasha is a mobile store built specifically for women in Africa, offering health and personal care products such as facial creams, sanitary pads and contraceptives. Using Kasha, a woman can confidentially order products using any type of mobile phone and receive direct delivery via motorcycle. Kasha’s unique model addresses several barriers for women accessing personal care products. Buying pads or contraceptives in a store can be embarrassing, unsanitary (one woman said of local boutiques: “They put the pads with the potatoes!”), and offer limited choices. Confidential ordering and packaging, as well as education on how to use products makes Kasha key in expanding access to contraceptive and feminine hygiene products to women in Africa.

While at Kasha, I wrote a training curriculum for family planning education sessions, including participatory techniques and tactics for making training sessions more inclusive for illiterate women. I built a partnership resulting in 300 girls having access to menstrual pads and supported staff in developing a strategic plan to expand Kasha’s services into refugee camps.

Explore Kasha’s product selection on their website.