
Thanks to the generosity of the Ailce Rowan Swanson Fellowship, I developed a comprehensive sexuality program called LEAPS for MindLeaps, a youth center in the outskirts of Kigali, Rwanda.

The 9-week LEAPS curriculum is a comprehensive, youth-oriented sexual and reproductive health curriculum covering basic anatomy, puberty and hygiene, communication and consent in relationships, decision-making, STIs and HIV/AIDS, pregnancy, parenting, and contraception. Through engaging, interactive activities, youth learn basic facts about human sexuality, learn to make informed choices regarding their reproductive health, and build confidence to communicate their sexual health needs. The curriculum cycle ends with an artistic celebration in which youth perform or present a dance, poem, skit, or painting which reflects what they have learned. Evaluation of impact is aligned with indicators in the MindLeaps program and the program has shown to increase knowledge of reproductive health topics and levels of self-confidence.

This project launched in November 2017 and continues today. I was responsible for designing the program, writing the curriculum, teaching the pilot class, and running a teacher training program. Three local teachers were trained in the LEAPS curriculum and continue to implement the program today, impacting over 60 kids to date.

the three rwandan teachers trained in the leaps program, 2018.

the three rwandan teachers trained in the leaps program, 2018.

Check out the cool work that MindLeaps does on their website.

Learn more about the Alice Rowan Swanson Fellowship or apply for their grant here.

Read more about my experience with this project on my blog.